Advisories, Quarantines or Proclamations of Emergency

Agriculture/Weights & Measures works with the California Department of Food & Agriculture when a quarantine is necessary. The CDFA is the governing agency in declaring quarantines, and it is AWM that will enforce and circulate the information to residents and businesses in the quarantine area(s).

Proclamation of Emergency Program for the Oriental Fruit Fly
On November 12, 2024, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) confirmed that two…
A large close up photo of an Oriental fruit fly on a white cloth gloved fingertip.
CDFA ends Oriental Fruit Fly quarantine in San Bernardino, Riverside Counties
This notice is to advise you that the Cooperative Oriental Fruit Fly Project has ended.…
Fruit fly on fruit.
CDFA works together with community in Redlands area, other partners to lift Oriental Fruit Fly Quarantine
Was final remaining quarantine after record fruit fly activity last year — no fruit fly…
A closeup of a fruit fly on a price of fruit and another photo of an orange cut open displaying white maggots inside.
Agriculture/Weights & Measures issues precautions on backyard fruits
San Bernardino County Agriculture/Weights & Measures is working alongside the California Department of Food and…
Orange tree with title words and CDFA logo that says Oriental Fruit Fly (OFF) Harvesting and Donation Guide.
Help protect our community’s produce
We need your help. San Bernardino County residents are asked not to move backyard produce!…
A closeup of a fruit fly on a price of fruit and another photo of an orange cut open displaying white maggots inside.
Fruit removal set as part of the Oriental fruit fly eradication program
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is preparing to begin large-scale fruit removal…
A large close up photo of an Oriental fruit fly on a white cloth gloved fingertip.
Can awareness save our citrus? Ag/Weights & Measures teams up with Museum to educate community
The county Agriculture/Weights & Measures (AWM) Department has partnered with the San Bernardino County Museum…
A citrus exhibit is displayed on a wall with a lemon slice and orange full color art with old-fashioned citrus crate labels in the center at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands.
Agriculture / Weights & Measures team up with County Museum for citrus education
Agriculture / Weights & Measures (AWM) has partnered with the San Bernardino County Museum to…
Redlands & Yucaipa under fruit fly quarantine
Portions of San Bernardino, Riverside and Sacramento counties have been placed under quarantine for the…
CDFA announces new ACP quarantine area in Fontana, holds public meeting
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) confirmed the presence of the insect, Asian…
A satellite map of the Fontana, California and new ACP quarantine boundary highlighted in magenta. An arrow points to the magenta boundary line with a dark grey box with an information icon, round circle with "i" and the words new boundary in magenta.
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