Mediterranean Fruit Fly Quarantine
Effective June 19, 2022, the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (MedFly) quarantine in San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties has successfully ended. Eradication of Medfly has been declared and all quarantine regulations are no longer enforced as of June 19, 2022.
Based on the Pest Detection/Emergency Projects (PD/EP) Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) life cycle model, the F3 generation of the Mediterranean fruit fly detected in the city of Upland, San Bernardino County, is completed as of June 19, 2022. The last Mediterranean fruit fly detected in Upland was on November 3, 2021. The life cycle model / projection data is attached.
As per work plan protocol, PD/EP is recommending that eradication efforts in this area be discontinued effective June 19, 2022. In addition, it is recommended that all regulatory restrictions related to the Mediterranean fruit fly quarantine be lifted in San Bernardino County and Los Angeles County.